We were hunting alligators the other night with my party. The rules are simple : a volunteer dives in the
lake, swims a little and gets back to the surface very quickly, generally followed by one or two saurians.
Our Ranger seems to be a very good bait as he comes back with no less than 5 alligators behind him and
the fight begins ...Very quickly, the fight turns to nightmare, the Ranger lies on the ground and I lost 50%
of my hit points. "Gotta go !!" He he he, as if I had waited for that message to leave... the problem is that
the alligators (3 at that moment) seem to appreciate Drow meat and that is very bad for me !! With those
three monsters after me, I dive in the lake to swim back to the basin and then to the "zone". What ? I
shoulda watched before diving ?? That must be true, I could have noticed then that somebody was
waiting for me... Great dive from Uenelar cheerfully applaused by the 2 alligators in the lake. If you
counted well I have now 3 + 2 = 5 monsters on my ass !! Total panic, I even don't remember where the
exit is... I climb back on the shore, The cleric cures me. "Run Uen !!". You silly Dwarf, what have I been
trying to do for the last 5 minutes !!! I dive again in the lake and I find the tunnel which leads to the exit.
That passage seems longer than usual, don't you think ? Far away, the small room's light tells me that the
exit is near. This will be the last image of my 327th life ... I find myself in OGGOK, nake. I memorize my
spells, I cast invisibility and I'm on my way to CAZIC THULE. There is a command "/corpse" which
allows to "drag" one's body when this one is in a wall or in a lava lake, for example. The problem is that
this command doesn't work from the shore because my body is on the botton of the underwater passage.
I had to dive and drag inch by inch my body towards the edge of the pool, surrounded by alligators.
Meanwhile, I had the opportunity to look at the body of my pal, the cleric, beside mine. Thank you Mr
Everquest for this invisibility spell. Grand total : 3 deads out of 5 in our party for this expedition...
Peacefully sitting in Cazic Thule, I receive a message of Tarasmarr : "D'ya care to come along with
Vinamin and me to hunt the "Evil Eyes" ?" Of course, I accept, and I find Tarasmarr in the desert of Rot.
The latter teleport us in the Karana plains, a place I've never been to. The plain of Karana is huge, in the
distance, I barely see a Cyclop. We decide not to attack him. We arrive to the river and I receive quite a
shock !! The bridge which crosses the river is the most beautiful as well of mightiest of Norath.I quickly
take a screenshot and we resume our journey...Arrival in the "Beholder Maze", a little canyon between
mountains. What strikes me first are the two big Minotaurs who guard the access. Those beasts are
twice as tall as me !! Hopefully, they let us in... We arrive in a little circular canyon. In the center stand a
big stone pedestal with a Throne. The wait begins... Suddenly, the monster appears !! It's a gigantic
Beholder (for the newbies, a big flying eye). Vinamin and Tarasmarr are already casting, I charge ! Lord
Sviir (It's the Beholder's name) casts as well. I arrive on him at the same time with the servant he just
invoked. Got two foes, now ! Zap ! My screen turns to black! Ok, I know that trick ... When the light
comes back! ! , the Beholder is on Tarasmarr, it's going bad for him... I charge again and I taunt the
monster which focuses his attention on me... Zwiiiing !!! The Beholder has just charmed me !! My
character begins to wander in the canyon while the Beholder attacks Vinamin. I've taken the control
back, I charge again... BLAM !!! The Beholder has just sent me at the other end of the canyon !!! I
crash on the stone wall... He begins to get on my nerves rather seriously !!! I charge fo the fourth time
and I cast my Harm Touch for 301 points !! He falls !! The fight has been quick but wild. I only have
50% of my hit points left and Tarasmarr would be dead without the intervention of Vinamin.
We are now in "Runeye", a dungeon full of Goblins and Beholders. Those Beholders are real tough but
they've got "Polished Bone Bracers" which have a great value for Clerics and Wizards (+3 Wisdom and
+3 Intelligence). Here's the tactic : Vinamin draws the monsters toward the exit where we wait,
Tarasmarr and me. Everything goes smoothly and we have already killed a few monsters when a group
of #$*@-'{& comes running towards the exit. They're three and they drag about 11 goblins and 1
beholder behind them. Big panic in the hall, one of the adventurers just falls under the beholder's heavy
pounding ... What a hell of a fight ! Spells burst everywhere, the Beholder has just hit me for 101 points
in 3 seconds !!!!! We are surrounded, I'm stuck and there's so many people here I simply can't move !!
Vinamin yells "Retreat !", I gasp !! Suddenly, I got a idea : I cast my Shadow gate spell, yes, you know,
the mini-teleporter spell ! And there I am teleported ... the wrong side !! ! ! The exit is before me but
blocked by a dozen of berserk monsters who just killed a second adventurer ... RUN LIKE HELL !! I
take my chance, I run towards the monsters and ... "space bar" I jump over the goblins and I trip over
the Beholder !! Big panic, I try to free myself ... Whizzz, I just zoned !! When I reach the other side I
have got only a few hit points. That was close !! Vinamin and Tarasmarr are surprised to see me alive
and so am I !!! Ok it's three in the morning, I gotta go to bed ...
Small, but tough
Evil Eye !
A nice tag in Runeye