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Timber !  
Have you beautiful eyes you know...  
Give me back this peanut !!!
Here is a ballad that one begins to listen in the somber Neriak's corridors..
Uenalear is a warrior,
look at him fighting to the death.
A tomawahk, his shield,
those that challenged him were wrong.
Uenalear is a necromancer,
look at him casting spells.
Vampiric touch and blood drain
those that challenged are very dead.
Uenalear is dark elf
look, the victorious Drow.
In the darkness of the corridors
those which challenged him have great fear.
The Hobbits added a stanza:
Uenalear is a runner
look him running
he is always frightened out of it's wits
those that challenged him die ...to laugh!
You will note the poverty of the rhymes and the rickety character of verses. Aaahh, these Hobbits!
This piece of poetry is by Jean DESLOUS.... Grmffff.... Thank you Jean!
The south Karana's zone is renowned for the first-rate "Treants", alive trees. With my quite new level 32, I decided to be going to see there of closer... Arrived on the zone, I have the chance to be able to integrate a group. The Treants arrive, woaaaaah!! They are magnificent, immense, majestic. I charge, arrived at feet of the tree, I feels me quite small small small... Boummmmmmmmmmm, hold which is this boom?? It is the noise of my sword on the tree!!! It is the sort of the great Bang that resounds, it is impressive... Impressing also the blow that I have just taken ...100 points!! When you go into a tree, it hurts already, but when it is him that hits you... Zwouiiiiiing!! Somebody has just cast a spell. Small problem, it is not me and it is not my magicians colleagues. You have to guess 10 seconds who did ... trick tap trick tap... The tree? Well done!!! And here is the poor Uenaelar torn up by a storm of pine needles... The face covered with needles, I continue my work of undermining on the trunk of the monster. We are there 50 % of life points for me and 25 % for him, cool, it announces well ... Zwouiiiiiiing!! Ho him he the cheater!! It has just cast itself a heal spell!?!?? It is funny, I am much more wrinkled on my keyboard at the moment. We are there 50 % of life for him and 30 % for me,I begin to think about the introduction of my will... Vlam!! The tree collapses, the magicians of the group come finally to wake up themselves... Ouf, it was just, tomorrow, I bring the chain saw! In the way, counterpart fights, a small elephant came to say hello to us... Hello Jumbo!!