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My quest begins in Qeynos, I borrow the secret entrance to the sewers of the town... I have to meet Vine Moltar, a notorious beggar who must supply me one "severed paw", the container which will serve for fabricating the Paw of Opolla. Vine believes that I bring to him one of these first-rate cakes of rat for the exchange, he ignores that it will not have any more the chance to eat any more... I wipe my blade on Vine's clothes. I search the body and I find the container. According to the information that I obtained, it is necessary to insert 4 rings into the container and to hit the combine button to create the Paw of Opolla. Direction Blackburrow, the caves of gnolls;;; I arrive in the dungeon when adventurers are retreating towards the zone, pursued by a ten of gnolls. I cast an area damage spell, six gnolls collapse, the others run away screaming towards the depthes of the dungeon... - " HA HA HA HA!! Bring the news to your leaders, Uenaelar the drow come to find the silver ring!! " I advance in the dark corridor
Gnolls that I cross fix attentively the ceiling and seem not to see me. I arrive finally at the edge of a great pond filled with a dark water... If my information is right, the silver ring is hidden at the b tom. I cast the spell which allows me to stop my breath and I dive. The body of a poor adventurer is lying in the heart of the pond, I begin my research... A minute later, I go out of the pond with the invaluable ring. On the way back, I shoot down some war leaders gnolls and I distribute their stuffs to the young adventurers at the zone... Following Step, Guk dungeon...
The map that sold me a trader indicates where I can find the fungus mutant that I am looking for. I makes me invisible and I steal in them corridors... I finally arrive in the room where froglocks cultivate their mushrooms. A smile is outlined on my figure when I perceive the mutant. It is one enormous mushroom with a purple head... First task : cleaning the room, one by one, I brings shoot down the fungus drones and others fungus soldiers. Finally, I cast a Darkness spell on the mutant and I charge...
What ?? The mutant just cast on me a "Whirlspin" spell, I begin to turn round and round, inable to hit or to defend myself ! Luckilly, the effect of this spell is very short and I recover my spirits. A last blow with my Dark Reaver and the mutant collapses... I search the body (Berk!)... Nothing !!! I camp so the mutant during about 3 hours, the time for me to find on him the spices necessary for the two other rings (a Weed for the gold one and a Mildew for the copper one). I go out Guk and I look for a wizard who could teleport me on ODUS Island, in Toxxulia Forest. By chance, I cross Tarrasmar, an old friend who does me this service at once ! Direction Kerra Island, the city of cat-men... It is here that I am going to find Melixis, a shaman who will exchange me the spices for the rings.
Small problem, I am very unwelcomed here... Well, I have to do this cleverly... Here is the plan, I am going to make me invisible and to look for the Melixis shop, then I would proceed to the exchange for the rings. Making it, I will become visible, and... I would improvise !
Fortunately the city is not big, it is rather a village. I easily find Melixis shop and I have the surprise to discover two guards (greens for me) which are watchingin the inside... Let the party begins!! I give the spices by one to Melixis. I then become visible, what has for immediate effect thqt the two guards attack me... Milly seems surprised, but she accepts the exchange and gives me the two rings. I go out of the shop and I run towards the zone. The alarm is given in the village and I am soon pursued by a troop of people-cats, fortunately my Jboots makes miracle, I take off at the speed of the wind !! I zone, in ownership of three rings from four...
Direction Befallen for the most hard ring, the platinium one... The information that I was able to obtain on this ring is surprising, it would be the property of a named mummy : Gynok Moltar. It seems that the mummy appears only very rarely in Befallen... I arrive in the dungeon, I unwind my coverage and I wait for the mummy... I am still waiting for the mummy... I am waiting for ever... I am expecting for this @##&**@# mummy !!!
-Technical index card on Gynok Moltar : the spawn is just at the entrance of befallen. The spawn time is 16 minutes. The monster leaves then to roam in befallen for 18 minutes, so it is necessary to kill it at once. The mummy has about 3 % of chances to spawn. It common drop is the ring platinum, its rare drop is one of three other rings. I saw lads waiting for the mummy during 10 hours and obtaining the rare drop (copper, gold or silver) that they had already . Hé hé hé... They were angry !!
12 hours later, it is a starving, bearded and stinking Uenaelar that sees appearing the mummy in front of its amazed eyes... I charge, the monster collapses in my feet. I unwind carefully the strips and I find the platinum ring !! I put the rings in the container and I hit combine... And here it is ! I have the Paw of Opolla !!!
I send a message to Ombre to announce him the good news; Later, I give Ombre the object, this one was not still able to get the sword, I decide so to redo the quest...
2 days later, I am again in ownership of the Paw of Opolla. I go in east Commonlands, a region that frequent much the traders. Less than 10 minutes after my arrival in the zone, I exchange the Paw for a mithril 2 hands sword... The full happiness !!!
-Mithril 2 Hand Sword: damage 21, delay 40, effect of permanent Haste.
And do you know the best ?? Ombre still owe me a sword!! Muhahahahahahahahaha!!!!
Beautiful the hat !  
The soldiers are made to die...  
By waiting for the mummy, you can play with him