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The King.  
Care the sonic shock !  
Prise be to Spider queen...
There is one "Noble Kobold" in Solusek. This charming little gift has a capacity which is funny, he can charm!! Recently, I was of duty to pull the Kobolds on my group, I went through the corridors in search of preys. In passing not far from the zone, I hear rumours of fights … Waouuu … Swollen the fellows, they took there themselves in the Noble Kobold! Zouiiiii … And hop! Charmed Grokxx the troll. That it is no chance for them because Grokxx is the warrior of the group, so he slash hardly … And here is the Troll who attacks one of the members of the group!! Bang, bam, bang, the poor person joins his ancestors and Grokxx takes there himself to an another one … Ha ha ha ha, I attend the scene with a sadistic pleasure. Flight of the group, I believe that Grokxx manages to kill one another one in the way. And here is so our alone Troll in front of the Noble … The knocks rain, Grokxx seems to have found again his spirits and it is evident that it will not have the upper hand … he runs away towards the zone...
Cool, I am every only one with Noble which has not more than one quarter of the points of life … I approach and ZAP!! Harm Touch for 401 points … Some knocks of sword and the Noble collapses in my feet. As the other group changed zone, I collect the whole experience, in the great surprise of my team mates who had seen nothing. I loot the corpse. And hop, a magic necklace!! I return then to see my group which does not have stoped to laugh during one hour… Thank you Grokxx!
In here is a Kobold that I love!! It is a Shadow Knight as me, that want to say that it has also the possibility to make a Harm touch on somebody … I can say to you that the lads do not crowd to be going to attract it towards the group. I understand them, to take 400 points of life before having said ouf, is hard … All the excuses are good :
  • Me I am a magician, it is not for me to attract the monsters …
  • Yes but me I have not many points of life.
  • Check all right, then a warrior. (All the warriors seem to have lost their language)
  • Check, then I vote for Uenaelar …
  • Yes me also!
  • Me also!!
And here is! Is it still me that drinks … And here is your favourite Drow going to suicide …
"Forgiveness sir the King, is it the throne room here? "
" Grrrr... Bark... Grrrr"
ZZZZZAP!!!! (And I take there 400 in the teeth). I save towards the group which waits firmly for the King … I arrive in the room at the death-agony, with only one quarter of my points of life. In these cases, I puts me loving the Clerks. Zouiiiiii, me here is full in life points, In The ATTACK!! I charge the "Kobold King". I take revenge by making him back a Harm Touch, then a small "Heart Flutter" to make good measure. Then, I work it in sharpness with my Dark Reaver … three minute later, the King collapses. I give some kicks in the corpse to evacuate my fear.
The king is guarded by "Kobold Priests" and "Kobold Champions", but the reward is for the measure of the difficulty. Since I go hunting here, I got back:
  • FLESHRIPPER. This axe imposes the same damage that my Dark Reaver, and casts a zone damage spell besides.
  • CARNAL PAULDRON. A piece of enchanted armor for the shoulders.
  • SHIELD OF THE SLAIN UNICORN. A shield reserved for the Warriors, which makes shield and weapon at the same time. The warriors buy it for about 900pp!

One evening, a group invites me to hunt bats … I accept and we here is left in the Solusek's depthes. We arrive in a small room or I soon listens small squeaks. The group settles down and one of the lads leaves to pull monsters. Two minutes later, the lad comes back followed by two ridiculous small weakened bats. By laughing, I charge the first … by engaging the fight, I wonder what it is the "SONIC" in " SONIC BATS ". Zouiiiiiiiiiiii!! I found!! I have just taken a sound blow for 115 points, and I am fully sounded!! I try to kick away, but I move at the speed of a sick snail… Besides the bat renews the experience! I take a sound shock for 90 points and I can not even more move … Fortunately, my companions are there and they keep the "Sonic Bat" busy while I resume my spirits … I hardly got back when the party begins!! Two "Lava Crawler" land from a small corridor on the right-hand side, RUN LIKE HELL!! It is the mess, the group scatters as a flock of sparrows … Arrived at zone, I look at my bar of life … 50 left over 1015 … Not bad for one small Bat!!