My friends   









Tarquel is a human I’ve met about one year ago.
I have been attentive to his progression, I helped him and he’s now equal to me. We led a reckless life together. We have plundered Bellafen, Najena, Guk, SolusekB, Mistmoore, Karnor and I’ve never seen him failing. This guy is definitely a war machine that hide a nice heart.
I can say that he’s my best friend in Norrath. I know that I can depend on him in case of snag, and the reverse is true.
I personally intervened to make him admitted in “Divine Grace” my guild. It made him able to explore the after plans and to act in large raids.
If you meet him, salute him as a hero.
like :
  • That he is present when I need him.
  • Having total confidence in him during the fights.
  • When he’s feared in the plane of Hate ! Muhahahahahahaha !!
don’t like :
  • When he die and leave me alone in front of the mob
  • When he deals higher damages than me !

Vise la tête Tarquel ! Gladiators