My friends   









Anyone who met Dayan recognizes immediately in him an honest and amiable warrior. We all know that he’s also the loved and uncontested leader of “Les Irréductibles”. He is also a loyal friend of the pretty Lorine that he often follow on Norrath…
This idyllic view however hides a very different truth, that, I have to confess, upset me a bit…
The first time I met him, I have quickly recognized him as a faithful of Innoruuk, my master. Dayan is a redoubtable warrior who don’t give any chance to the opponents. I won’t give you details here, I want you to know that the tales of Dayan’s youth can make the strongest troll totally feared !
In conclusion, you can learn that Dayan is a fantastic dancer, idolized by all the night womens in Neriak
like :
  • His skill to hide his dark nature
  • What he made to his mother
  • When his presence make my night clubs full of people.
don’t like :
  • When he wanna delete his guild (at least of one time a month)
  • When Lorine dies whereas he doesn’t
  • When he haves some drinks at my competitive (Grrrrr !!)

Au royaume des aveugles... Tu t'es vu quand t'as bu !