It is the dawn in the Commonlands, the black elf steals in the shadows in search of his prey. Suddenly he
congeals... In hundred of metres, he just percieves Altunic. This trader is responsible for the death of
some of his lives, but the hour of the revenge rang. The elf begins to cast, the spell strikes Altunic of full
whip. Slowed down and wounded, Altunic tries to get closer of his aggressor... With a bad smile, the elf
casts again... The Altunic's blood begins to boil... Then the fight begins, the two aggressors compete in
agility. Suddenly, the black elf begins again to cast... A nameless terror overpowers Altunic, he turns his
back to his opponent and tries to run away. The drow pursues his prey, striking great knocks with his
black blade. In a shout, Altunic succumbs. The elf looks at the body spread to his feet with a bad
enjoyment. Then his glance turns to a griffon which passes far off. This griffon is responsible for the death
( ... ) The elf look at the dead griffon with a bad smile, then his glance turns to a hill giant who passes far
off. This Giant is responsible of (...) Then the elf spits at the corpse of the Giant. It is good, vengance!!
I have soon spoken to you about the Soulfire, this sword the blade of which is fired. To obtain this
sword, that the Shadow Knights can not use (booo), it is necessary to make a quest. One of the
elements of this quest is a holy sword which is the property of Sir's Lucan Dlere, the leader of the
Freeport militia. It is very simple, will you say to me, it is enough to kill it and to prick him its sword!!
Yes but...
He lives in the building of the Freeport militia!
He is guarded by Clerics and warriors !!
Sir Lucan is a paladin level 50 !!!
When he dies, he resuscitate in a skeleton to continue the fight !!!!
Everything that to say to you that the Soulfire is rather rare on the continent. One evening so, Anduril (a
friend) contacts me to participate in an expedition which aims to help him to obtain the sword. I accept
and we are all (about twenty) heading for Freeport. There is a high society for this expedition, only high
levels 40-50. The strategy will be the following one :
1 - All that are " badly seen " in Freeport wait outside of the city.
2 - one volunteer (barded of protections) enters the city and he attacks Sir Lucan, then "zone".
3 - one other player engages the conversation with Sir Lucan to hold it.
4 - When all the guards are returned to Freeport, the troop attacks Sir Lucan...
The newbies of Freeport see land a troop of adventurers in front of their city. We are all "red" for them,
newbies look at our equipment with envy, they will badly sleep this evening !!
The plan happens as expected, we see cross Holybright ( a paladin ) far off, pursued by a troop of
guards. We wait, some of the guards return already in freeport... A little later, the order of attack is given
!! When I arrive on the place of the fight, I charge at Sir Lucan... Woah !! This fellow, it is Rambo in
armor ! I am allowed with you discover the shots, you will see... The fight lasts three good minutes, Sir
Lucan knocks as a coach !! I take knocks for 130, fortunately that Vinamin (a Cleric of my guild) is
there to look after me... Sir Lucan collapses... Yours ?? No resurrection ? Anduril search the corpse...
No sword !!! We have just killed a paladin level 50 and a bug of the program deprives us of the reward
!!! Anduril roar his fury to the Everquest's programmers, while we all are folded to laugh...
The blow of chance, a message system announces us the reinitialisation of several zones, of which
Freeport ! So Sir Lucan also (normally, he "returns" only every 24 hours). We take up so our second
trap... We wait aside. Suddenly, everybody go in the attack... I am by saying to me that I have of to miss
the order of attack... Mom !! We attacked too fast and Sir Lucan is still accompanied by two of his
bodyguards, of whom Brother Jentry, a cleric of high level... The fight turns in the disaster, I see fall
Anduril in front of me. Sir Lucan seems to interest of very near to me now !! My bar of life is in free-fall,
RUN LIKE HELL !! I zone, followed close by Vinamin... Later, we return on the place of the massacre.
A ten body sprinkle the ground, they indeed have to laugh in the militia...
The following day, we are still about twenty to help Anduril. This time, everything happens well and we
bring down Sir Lucan Dlere, and the skeleton which follows... Anduril searches the body and shoot a
shout of enjoyment. He is finally going to be able to have his Soulfire... After the congratulations of
custom, the groups part and Freeport can find again the usual peace...
The short story has just fallen on our teleprinters. Uenaelar died !!! His body without life rests in the
GUK's depthes. A member of the guild confided us that its recycling would be difficult... An expedition is
going to have risen, we shall hold you informed about the suite of this affair...
Vengance !!
Vengance !!
Which muscles !