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Do you remember the dungeon I have heard talking about the other day ? Well that's it, I, at last, have got enough courage to go there… Well, the journey doesn't seem too hard, the crossing of the Comonlands and the entrance in the dungeon… I get enough to eat, enough to drink and bags to bring wonderful finds back from Befallen. Let's be off ! The crossing of the "East Commanlands" has been without any problem, my ability to avoid the griffon has become lengendary. I arrive at the "West Commanlands", unknown land to me… That's a great start, I bump into a Kodiak… I quickly kill him and go on my way… Look ? It's strange, the guy who walks in front of me hasn't got a name… Argggghhhh ! ! A hills giant! ! ! ! He has a name, but he is not near enough to have his name showed off… For those who haven't understood, I can be more explicite : the guy I estimated by his height near me, is in fact very far from me… This giant is at least of ten to fifteen times taller than I ! ! ! I observe him, his description is in a red color, consequently, I use the griffon technique… RUN LIKE HELL ! ! I arrive at Befallen. The entrance is very simple, a hole in the sand… Well, I get into it… Loading of the area… Befallen level 1… Look ? ? Who are those guys running madly towards the exit .. Euh … and who are those chasing them. Mother… This skeleton is gigantic… And the small one beside has started uttering incantations ! ! ! Well, I am going to tell you, fortunately, the exit is not too far. In fifteen seconds, the big skeleton has put 65 points in my head and the dwarf who comes with him (necro-acolyte) has cast a spell over me and that has drawn about 30 % of my lifepoints. So I get out of Befallen with less than 50 % of my lifepoints, and perceiving a bit of a corridor and no treasures… Sad result ! ! Set your mind at rest on that point, I am stubborn and I have decided to go back there.. Befallen level 1… Well, this time there is nobody in the corridor. I go ahead… The decoration is very nice here, collapsing ceilings, heads fixed on stakes, dark corridors, worm-eaten doors… Over the residents side, I see some gigantic rats. I attack them, boum, they are dead… I am told that my reputation towards the inhabitants of Befallen is dropping… Anyway, they got on my nerves just a few minutes ago, it's too late to have a game of belote. Be careful, there are corpses here all the same… Look ? ? A skeleton… I observe… "Skeleton Lrodd"… I throw him a Drain Force, just to see… He attacks me. After a minute of desperate fight, I realize it will be a bit on the short side, so I throw him my Harm Touch. 121 points on the face, that does tire a skeleton, he collapses. I increase my experience, cool. Look, a gigantic skeleton is chasing a poor frightened human being… Well, I won't drag too long over here… I have forgotten to tell you, the door of the second level can only be opened with a key that has to be found I don't know where…
Quietly set on the entrance of the Commonlands, I have been accosted by a female Drow magician of level 11. The latter suggests me to go with her to chase the "Fire Drakes" in the mountains. After discussion , she tells me that these monsters are vulnerable to ordinary weapons, and if the situation turns out to be bad, she will devote herself to let me run away. Do you know many girls like this one ? I accept and off we go towards the Lavastorms Mountains… Once arrived on the area, we bump into a Fire Drake… Cool ! I launch my Drain Force over him and guess what's happened ? He attacks me… I insist on assuring the purists, the programmers have thought about managing the breath… He even isn't on me yet that I have already taken 20 points by his breath… The fight is fierce, my girlfriend throws all her spells repertoire at him and the Fire Drake collapses… Victory ! ! And I haven't used my Harm Touch… My girlfriend goes through the corpse, she keeps the money and gives me a gem stone found on the corpse. Another one ? Ok ! ! Another Fire Drake is spinning round by far. We get nearer and I throw him a Disease Cloud, just to weaken him… The fight has started…
Everything would be perfect if this Fire Elemental hasn't interfered in it ! ! As agreed, I apply my RUN LIKE HELL technique… once at the edge of the area, I notice I am only followed by the Elemental and it doesn't strike strongly… I turn back with a sardonic smile… (extract from my long) :
  • A fire elemental bash you for 15 points.
  • A fire elemental try to bash you and miss.
  • You slash fire elemental for 0 points the fire elemental is INVULNERABLE.
  • You slash fire elemental for 0 points the fire elemental is INVULNERABLE.
RUN LIKE HELL ! ! ! ! ! To end up with it, a little anecdote. My girlfriend succeeded in freezing the Fire Drake with her "root" spell, but this latter killed her with his breath ! ! ! My God, that game is damned well managed… Then, as usual, we went to pick back the corpse discreetly….
THE POOR NEWBIE : (In the Drow jargon, a Newbie means a novice).
In front of the temple, I was fighting with a skeleton when I heard a cry… "Help". While fighting the skeleton, I saw a poor guy vith two ridiculous spiders on his bottom… The funniest of that, it's the Newbie is trying our big Drow game on me, you know, trying to pass round one's monster to the neighbour… It is a big joke, not only the spiders don't get off from him, but my skeleton which is still alive, tells itself that a Newbie is funnier than a Shadow Knight of Level 12 ! ! ! Ten metres further, my friends and I, we see to the peaceful rest of the Newbie's corpse… Amen ! ! This story has gone round Neriak, my guild master is still laughing by now…
The entrance of Befallen  
The Lavastorm Mountains  
The fire burns hard...