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Great new ! ! I knew of the existence of a donjon in the "West Commonlands", of course, I will let you know of my first expedition over there. According to the information I have been able to glean for, there are plenty of zombies and necromancers inside.
Sometimes in the forest of Neriak, there are strange shouts… Last night, a broadcast has raised up… "Help ! I am lost, I have got nothing to do here… I am a wood elf, heeeeeeeeelp ! ! !". The Drows being known throughout the world as people who "love" wood elves, here is a sample of answers heard from all sides on that night :
  • Go to hell !
  • I buy wood elf bones…
  • I would like to help you, but I have a dinner with my buddies the Trolls.
  • Ask the guards for your way... (I quite like this one).
  • Get a move on directly North… (that's very cheating, he sends the guy directly to Neriak and to his guard).
Finally, he got himself eaten by a Kodiak… Poor beast… Till the end, the elf has heaped insults on us, he shouted on our insensitivity, etc… Yeah ? It is just roleplaying… During the following half hour, we have got a big discussion on the theme : - Do we have to help a poor lost player, even if his character is wood elf ? ?
There are monsters called Will o Wisp which are only sensitive to magic. The problem is that magical weapons don't hang about the streets at our place. I have met a merchant who was selling one for 800 platinium ! ! Just to give you an idea, since my birth, I must have gathered in about 35 to 40 platiniums in all… One can tell oneself that a seer can kill one of these charming animals with his spells… Error… They strike the fellows strongly and the magician can't last very long with them. Fortunately, we the Drows, we have found out the answer. Take a chubby Uenaeler and let it attack the Will o Wisp. While the monster is busy in carving Uenaelar in thin slices, pelt the monster with fireballs, lightnings, etc. It's bloody good, I am even still alive… But I got a bit afraid all the same…
I have already told you about giant spiders and darkweed snakes famous for their powerful poison… Forget all this ! ! At the time of our last expedition in the desert of Roth, one of my comrads has been bitten by an ASP. Just once… And I have seen his lifepoints rushing down at a vey high speed. Of course, we have kept his corpse until his return, telling us we would try to look for a clerk for the next expedition.
I begin to feel comfortable enough in the Commonlands… I perceive a pilfering Kodiak in one fine morning… I gauge him… I attack him ! ! During the fighting, I keep an eye on the life bar… I have 4/5 of my PV, the Kodiak 1/5, everything is fine… Look, what's that shadow ? What ? ? I am dead ? ? ? ? ? How ? ? It isn't a bug ? Of course, here I am coming to life again near Neriak, naked… Furious, I turn again back to my log… Here is what I get :
  • You slash Kodiak for 17 points.
  • You bash Kodiak for 6 points.
  • A Kodiak miss you.
  • A Kodiak maul you for 2 points.
  • You slash Kodiak for 16 points.
  • A griffin claws you for 88 points.
  • A griffin claws lyou for 87 points.
  • You bash Kodiak for 8 points.
  • A griffin claws you for 65 points.
  • You are slain by a griffin.
I hate Griffins ! ! !
Last evening, four guys have made a raid in our forest, they have slaughtered all the guards of the bridge ! ! ! I have observed them, they were all of level 18 to 20… I wouldn't tell you about their equipment, I have cried all night…
A very nice specimen of Will O Wisp  
A Griffin in the Commonlands  
Those guys are not little girls !